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Bezirksliga-Herren: Turnovers and mistakes 19.10.15 - 12:21

 Herren    Herren 2

“Maybe we should play all our games on the road” joked Coach Wicks. The Herren 2 “Wild Bees” suffered its second lost at home due to numerous turnovers and mistakes which produced only 17 first half points. “When you have so many errors as this, it is hard to overcome to produce a win over a team like Ladenburg, (coming from Landesliga last season)” stated Coach Wicks. Nils Herzog and Moritz Schneider came off to bench to settle the “swarm” down and produce some instant offensive to make the game look respectable. “I was surprised at Nils calmness on the court to settle the team down and bring back a solid defensive team to hold Ladenburg to just 11 fourth quarter points, while producing 21 for the “Bees” . The team is still in the building and learning stage, but we will continue to work on things that will make us a better and stronger team” The “Wild Bees” travel to Mannheim for its next game; maybe the road will bring things together again.
Jannic Gund 16, Moritz Schnieder 8, Manfred Zimmermann 8, Nils Herzog 5, Tobias Link 5, Ronny Oestringer 5, Thomas Weidlich 2